Prosthetic Orthotic Center

935 S 17th Ave, Wausau, WI, 54401
(715) 848-0650

Our clinical staff has experience in fabrication and fitting a wide variety of prostheses/orthoses, ranging from the most basic to the most technologically advanced. The skill and experience of the individuals who make and fit your prosthetic or orthotic device determines not only the quality and comfort of your final product, but the quality and comfort of your day-to-day life. Our staff has over 30 years of experience and will produce a device that allows you to maintain the active, productive lifestyle you desire.

The prosthetic / orthotic devices made at POC are carefully measured, formed, inspected, and fitted for each individual prior to final delivery. While precision is of utmost importance, providing every patient with the information and training necessary to use the device safely and effectively is equally essential. Our staff makes sure to spend any amount of time necessary to answer questions and explain every aspect of the device. This “client-oriented” approach makes for a more informed and satisfied client.


Part of this “client-oriented” approach is our belief in long term care and satisfaction. As changes in the body occur, the initial comfort and/or function of the device may diminished. Adjustments may be required to assure that this one-of-a-kind device remains ideal. For this reason POC provides, and highly recommends, periodic follow up conferences to check fit and function. At these conferences adjustments can be made to refine the device for continuous optimal results.
