Monk Botanical Gardens
About Monk Botanical Gardens
The Monk Botanical Gardens occupy a 29-acre property on the West Side of Wausau, Wisconsin, at 1800 N. First Ave. They are named for the family of the late Robert W. Monk, who donated the land for development of an outstanding public garden. Officially incorporated as a nonprofit institution in 2003, the Monk Botanical Gardens seeks to promote understanding of the aesthetic, economic, and ecological role of plants. A board of directors oversees the development and management of the Gardens.
Since the creation of the site, many improvements have been made to the property through generous donations of time, talent, and funds. The Wildflower Woods and Memory Garden, and the spectacular Treehouse in the Piney Woods, have been completed, and the Kitchen Garden and “Potager” and Meditation Garden are nearing completion. Through the cooperation of city and county government, the site has sewer, water, and electricity. An irrigation system has been installed.
Thousands of children, students, and adults currently participate in events all year long at the Gardens. We are an official Monarch butterfly, chimney swift and geocaching site.
The gate is latched to keep out the deer, but never locked. Open dawn to dusk, every day. Free; contributions appreciated.