Car Connection Central LLC
1232 Schofield Ave, Schofield, WI, 54476
(715) 359-8815
Why buy from us?
Service After the Sale!
No used car dealer in the area offers the service, selection, security, stability
price and quality vehicles that CAR CONNECTION CENTRAL llc offers you.
• 30 years in the same location means we will be here for this car and the next
• 4 Mechanics and 4 service bays means we service what we sell, and ensure that your vehicle is up to our rigid standards
• All vehicles are warranted, and we inspect all our vehicles prior to sale. The state does not require such inspections, but we do.
• One-Price selling means no hassle or haggling to get the best price, it’s on the sticker
• We pick and choose our vehicles carefully. The ones we don’t buy get sold to our competitors, and they sell them to their customers